
1. III
demand smth. demand trial (one's rights, justice, mercy, help, food, an immediate payment, etc.) требовать суда и т. д.; demand shelter просить /добиваться/ предоставления убежища; they demanded nothing but amusement им ничего не нужно было, креме развлечений; he demanded an interview он настаивал на интервью; demand smb.'s name and address (smb.'s business, etc.) потребовать, чтобы назвали [чей л ] адрес и фамилию и т. д.; this matter demands immediate attention этим делом необходимо заняться немедленно; this operation demands skill and experience необходимо обладать опытом и умением, чтобы сделать такую операцию; does this letter demand an immediate answer? на это письмо нужно сразу же ответить?
2. IV
demand smth. in some manner demand smth. openly (publicly, secretly. insistently, sharply, calmly, insolently. etc.) открыто и т. д. требовать чего-л.
demand to do smth. usually with Passive Infinitive he demanded to be told everything' (to be given a hearing, to be shown the way, etc.) он потребовал /настаивал на том/, чтобы ему все рассказали и т. д.
4. XXI1
demand smth. of /from /smb. demand too high a price of /from/ me (a dollar from the boy, an apology from him, complete secrecy of her, unstinted help from his neighbours, etc.) (потребовать от меня [уплатить] слишком большую сумму и т. д.; demand smth., for smb.'s smth. demand freedom for his people (money for her daughter, etc.) (по)требовать свободу для своего народа и т. д. || demand smth. by word of mouth (in writing) требовать чего-л. в устной (в письменной) форме
5. XXV
demand that. .. demand that this work should be done (that I should help him, that children should be admitted, that he should be heard, that we visit her every day, etc.) требовать /настаивать на том/, чтобы эта работа была сделана и т. д., he demands that I should tell him everything он требует /настаивает/, чтобы я ему все рассказывал /обо всем докладывал/ abs "What's the meaning of this?'', he demanded "Что все это значит?" demand потребовал он объяснения

English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "demand" в других словарях:

  • demand — de·mand 1 n 1: a formal request or call for something (as payment for a debt) esp. based on a right or made with force a shareholder must first make a demand on the corporation s board of directors to act R. C. Clark a written demand for payment… …   Law dictionary

  • Demand 5 — homepage Original author(s) Channel 5 …   Wikipedia

  • Demand — ist der Familienname von Christian Demand (* 1960), deutscher Kunstkritiker und seit 2006 Professor für Kunstgeschichte an der Akademie der Bildenden Künste Nürnberg Heinrich Demand (1902–1974), deutscher Politiker (SPD), nordrhein westfälischer… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Demand — De*mand , n. [F. demande, fr. demander. See {Demand}, v. t.] 1. The act of demanding; an asking with authority; a peremptory urging of a claim; a claiming or challenging as due; requisition; as, the demand of a creditor; a note payable on demand …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • demand — [di mand′, dimänd′] vt. [ME demaunden < OFr demander, to demand < L demandare, to give in charge < de , away, from + mandare, to entrust: see MANDATE] 1. to ask for boldly or urgently 2. to ask for as a right or with authority 3. to… …   English World dictionary

  • demand — vb Demand, claim, require, exact are comparable not as close synonyms but as sharing the basic meaning to ask or call for something as due or as necessary or as strongly desired. Demand strongly implies peremptoriness or insistency; if the… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Demand — De*mand , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Demanded}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Demanding}.] [F. demander, LL. demandare to demand, summon, send word, fr. L. demandare to give in charge, intrust; de + mandare to commit to one s charge, commission, order, command. Cf …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • demand — ► NOUN 1) an insistent and peremptory request, made as of right. 2) (demands) pressing requirements. 3) the desire of purchasers or consumers for a particular commodity or service. ► VERB 1) ask authoritatively or brusquely. 2) insist on having …   English terms dictionary

  • demand — You demand something from or (less commonly) of someone (demanded an apology from or of him), and you make a demand on someone for something (kept putting more demands on the overworked staff for their time) …   Modern English usage

  • demand — [n] question, request appeal, application, arrogation, bid, bidding, call, call for, charge, claim, clamor, command, counterclaim, entreatment, entreaty, exaction, impetration, imploration, importunity, imposition, inquiry, insistence, interest,… …   New thesaurus

  • Demand — De*mand , v. i. To make a demand; to inquire. [1913 Webster] The soldiers likewise demanded of him, saying, And what shall we do? Luke iii. 14. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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